范文1:暑假就要来了,写一写你的暑假旅行计划。(包含去哪里,如何去,和谁去,去做什么)(广州五年级英语下册 4)
is . I'm to in with my for days. We will go by on the day. Next , we will to the Wall. I want to take some . In the , we are to the . On the day, we are to by . We will go . In the , we will fly back to . I'm sure we will have a good time in .
范文2:用不少于5句话,35个单词写你今年暑假旅行计划,内容必须包含3个方面(地点、怎么去和做什么),要求语句通顺,句子完整(广州五年级英语下册 4)
is . I will go with my for two days. We are to by car. On the day, we plan to of the . On the day, we are to . I’m sure we will have a good time in .
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标签: 小学英语作文 暑假旅行计划 广州小学作文 五年级六年级作文 各地地名提及