







写人记事类 (涵盖话题:个人情况;家庭、朋友与周围的人)

假如你是李华,下个月你将参加赴英留学活动。 在开营仪式上,为了让营员们相互了解,领队老师要 求同学们用英语轮流作自我介绍。请你写一篇短文 介绍你自己,为发言做准备。

内容包括:1. 简要介绍自己(性格、爱好);

2. 谈谈自己的理想;

3. 说说自己的交友观。

要求:1. 内容要全面,语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;

2. 词数不少于100,发言稿的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。

, . I'm very glad to have the to to you.

That's all. for your !


内容包括:1. 你对他 / 她的印象;

2. 分享你与恩师之间的故事(如他 / 她是怎么帮助你的);

3. 表达你对他 / 她的祝福。

要求:1. 内容要全面,语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;

2. 词数不少于100,格式和开头已给出,但不计入总词数。

Dear ,

I want to my to you.


Li Hua


, . I'm very glad to have the to to you. My name is Li Hua. I'm an and warm- boy. I have many , such as , , and to . Of all the , is my it me a lot of and me . It's my to be a . I know the road to my come true is full of , but no what , I won't give up my . are to me. I like with who are from me. We don't with each , but from like this I can ways of .

That's all. for your !

Dear Mr. Wang,

I want to my to you. You're such a nice and , and you will have a in my . You have a lot of help to me. I can one I was my 's , you came to me. I was so that I didn't know what to do at that time. To my , you 't with me. , you told me how to do it. , you told me wasn't good for me and you said I feel free to ask for your help I had . With your help and , my made by . And now I'm a top in . , you, Mr. Wang! And I wish you a life in the !


Li Hua




要求:1. 内容须包括图示中的两个要点和一个补充要点,可适当发挥;

2. 语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;

3. 词数不少于100,短文的开头和结尾已给出, 但不计入总词数。

Gina, I'd like to with you my how to your .

If you tips, won't be just a .


要求:1. 内容要紧扣图片;

2. 语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;

3. 词数不少于100,短文的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。

It is for us to take in our life. But how can we be (文明的) the ? Let me tell you!




In a word, let's try to be bus !


Gina, I'd like to with you my how to your .

, you your in the way. It's a good idea to them a day and at each time you them. And to your . , you have good . You need to be what you eat and . You keep away from or icy food, does harm to your . Last but not , you the at once a year. That's the oral is not only for the of , but the body.

If you tips, won't be just a .

It is for us to take in our life. But how can we be the ? Let me tell you! , we wait in line when we're for the bus. It's rude to cut in line. And we get on or off the bus one by one. , we 't make on the bus. For , it's to talk on our . , on the bus we our to who need them, such as the old, the sick and the weak. , we keep the bus . If we eat or on the bus, we the in the bin. It's bad to it on the of the bus.

In a word, let's try to be bus !



上周末,你参加了学校组织的为期两天的乡村露 营活动。请你根据下面的提示,用英语写一篇短文记 叙此次活动,然后发布在你校的英文网站上。





要求:1. 内容应包括提示中的所有要点,可适当发挥;

2. 语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;

3. 词数不少于100,短文的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。


Last I went on a two-day trip to Da Yan with some and in our .

假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Alex发来电子邮件 想向你了解中秋节这一中国传统节日。请你根据下图所示,给他回复一封电子邮件,介绍该节日。

要求:1. 内容应包括图示中的所有要点;

2. 语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;

3. 词数不少于100,电子邮件的格式、开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。

Dear Alex, How's ? Now let me tell you the Mid- .

I hope you can come to and this next year.


Li Hua


Last I went on a two-day trip to Da Yan with some and in our .

Our 's Club the to let us the life in the and the . We did lots of the two days. We how to put up a tent. We and air. In the , we held a . We and sang the . All of us had a time. In , we over the fire and the food we so .

I is the best way to get to and its . , we can and more .

Dear Alex,

How's ? Now let me tell you the Mid- . It is one of the most in . It on the day of the year.

, no how far away or how busy are, they will try to go home to get with for the . At noon is a big . In the , the the full moon and . tell the 'e to the moon to . that the full moon is a of and good luck, and they give best to each at this time.

I hope you can come to and this next year.


Li Hua



英语课上,老师组织全班同学就“What is ?”进行了讨论,下面是你所在小组的讨论结果。假如你是李华,是你们小组的发言人,请你根据表格中的内容准备一篇发言稿,向全班同学汇报你们小组的讨论情况。

要求: 1. 内容要全面,语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;

2. 词数不少于 100,发言稿的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。

Good , . Let me with you our “What is ?” .

That's all. for your !


写作要点:1. When do you feel ?

2. What do you of ?

3. How do you deal with ?

要求:1. 紧扣话题,语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;

2. 词数不少于100,短文的开头和结尾已给出, 但不计入总词数。

It's to have in life. feel in ways.

In , when we have , we 't be . We use it as a tool and deal with it in our own way. If so, we'll lead a life.

礼貌是拉近自己和他人的一座桥梁,懂礼貌的人会成为一个受欢迎的人。本周五的英语写作课结束后,英语老师给你们布置了一篇作文,让你们围绕“Good are one is (判断) by his .”这句话写一篇英语作文。

内容包括:1. 谈谈你对这句话的理解;

2. 作为中学生,如何成为有礼貌的人(至少 三点)。

要求:1. 作文内容要紧扣这句话,语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;

2. 词数不少于100,作文的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。


Good are one is by his .


标签: 初中英语写作模板 英语周报精品中考专栏 英语口语课分享 感谢恩师 初中学习生活
